Monday, December 22, 2008

New Generation EA Result ??

About New generation EA, I think something fishy is going on. I ask about the update result and He said that he already withdraw all the money. And he want to give me his new live statement.

I have no problem with the new live statement, but I want the old statement proof of the withdrawal, but He can't give it to me. It seems the account got margin call but that's only my prediction because I can't think of other reason that he can't give me his update statament.

EDIT : 23 Dec 08
The Owner said, he found his statement. lol.
And I see the statement, all the money is already withdraw on 15 Dec 08

In the statement u will see
18 Nov 08 Deposit $5000
27 Nov 08 Withdraw $6533
7 Dec 08 Deposit $3016
9 Dec 08 Withdraw $600
11 Dec 08 Withdraw $600
14 Dec 08 Deposit $5044
15 Dec 08 Withdraw $15300

Total deposit $13060
Total withdraw $23033
Not a bad result.

You can download live statement dated 15 December 2008

EDIT : 25 Dec 08
I will stop my post about New Generation EA, because
* The owner just send me live statement to post, so It's not my test. It's his result and I don't know if the statement is edited or not.
* The owner don't give me the investor password to see if this statement is true, so I can't post anymore by this way.

If u buy New Generation EA, use it at your own risk.

Digg this


Anonymous said...

It's the heritage of a Martingale System EA.

Anonymous said...

Duyduy said:
EDIT : 23 Dec 08
The Owner said, he found his statement. lol.

another LOL.
I don't think the statement had been missing, cause it always be there.
So why would need time to find something that always be there -- right in front of you ?
Just figure it out your self.

Anonymous said...

Hi Duyduy, very useful blogsite. Confirms my worries about Steinitz systems, which I have paid for but am not using. Also got me interested in GT and Robominer. A few further suggestions for tests - fapturbo, piptronic and eurgbpxtreme from fxgtc.

duyduy said...

Hi Soucebook,
I'm posting my live acct using Steinitz EA which hurt me very badly.

I will test FAP Turbo in January.
About piptronic and eurgbpxtreme I will look for more info.

Anonymous said...

EA New Generation is FUCK EA, SCAMER SITE......IF YOU USE THAT EA, 100% will loss your money ! QUARANTY !!!! Be Carefull !!!!

duyduy said...

Hi Johanson,
Do u have a prove that New Generation is a scamer? So other trader will be aware and won't be scam again.

Anonymous said...

Hi everybody,
not sure whether this EA is scam or not, but it is definitelly way too risky to go for it, IMO. The creator Mr. Deni Setiawan sent me investor password of his live real account at FXOPEN #135216 on which he used that EA since 17th Nov (start bal USD 4999).
Well,on 12th Dec that account indeed got margin call on the strong fall of USDJPY , it had opened martingale buy orders only... So run away from this one, folks, and save your money ... Cheers, Michael

duyduy said...

Hi Michael, thanks for the update, It seems it's the same live statement that the owner gave to me to post start 17 Nov with starting Balance $5000.

Hmmm... Like I said something fishy when he said "found the statement" LOL

Anonymous said...

Hallo...bro duyduy...
sorry saya ikut nimbrung nih..
saya kebetulan nemukan blog anda di search google..
dan menemukan perbincangan EA Newgeneration...
Saya sangat terkejut sekali...
karena EA yang saya pakai dari pak Deni Setiawan dikatakan SCAMER?
apa anda sudah memakainya EA newgeneration bro duyduy sampai ada perbincangan EA tersebut.
jika anda sudah memakainya dan ternyata loss...kok kenapa yang saya pakai aman2 saja...
atau klo anda belum pernah memakainya sama sekali tolong jangan kasih komentar yang belum pernah anda membuktikannya.
thanks very much mr. duyduy.
hormat saya.
Ahmad Khoiri.

duyduy said...

Hi anonymous,
Thanks udah mau nimbrung, sorry apakah anda sudah membaca semua post saya tentang New Generation EA sebelum anda kasih comment?
1. Saya bilang di blog ini, semua statement adalah dari owner Deni.
2. Coba download semua statement New Generation EA yang saya post di blog ini. Apakah ada yang loss?
3. Apakah saya yang kasih komentar bawah New Generation EA itu scammer?

Thanks for visit my blog, I'm sorry, Have u read all my post about New Generation EA before post a comment?
1. I already stated in my post, that the owner Deni supply me the live statement.
2. Please download the statement in my blog. Have u seen loss in the statement?
3. It's not me who said New Generation EA is a scammer.

Anonymous said...

Hello duyduy, ea newgeneration kan ea fxpromaker, kok ngaku2 ea buatan dia sih, dan semua nya persis sama, tdk ada yg di edit..gmn nih pemilik ea newgeneration...klo ea fxpromaker itu pasti MC lah bro duyduy, apa mau saya bagikan ea nya secara gratis disini???

Thanks bro duyduy..udh memberikan info yg sebenar nya, biar tdk ada lagi trader yg menjadi korban..

Anonymous said...

I told you, you can trust destianur78, I have a prove, I chat with him may be 3 or 4 months ago, he tried to sell EA and he gave investor password and the next week the account MC lol, and he tried sell another EA the result is the same, after 6 times he tried to sell EA and NO EA is good, he is full of BS,LOL, look at his website your Testimonial is still there.

Be Carefull

untuk bro yg mau kasih fxpromaker boleh doong di bagi2 hihihihi

duyduy said...

Hi, Anonymous,
I think u miss type
you can trust destianur78 -> should be you can't trust destinaur78 :D

Yeah, I give him testi when I see the live statement that he gave me :(
I can't delete it.

My testi said u can see the statement in my blog. If they visit my blog, they will know it :D

Anonymous said...

Salam Kenal,

Saya pengguna EA New Generation dan sudah membuktikan bahwa EA New Generation adalah EA bajakan. Tidak layak dijual seharga 400$. Bahkan dibagikan gratispun tidak pantas.
Sesuai dengan rekomendasinya saya deposit 500$, dan trading sesuai manual-nya. Setelah beberapa lama saya inject 300$ lagi karena margin sangat berbahaya. Sampek akhirnya kena MC juga.
Deni, denii.... jualan EA Gratisan.

Bagi yang tidak percaya boleh kontak saya:
YM ID: nonikampuh

Atau langsung bisa login account MC saya di FXOpen:

No. Account: 152811
Investor Pass: Jy8KMrq

Sadarlah kau Deni. Cukup saya saja korban Anda. Dan bagi yang ingin menggunakan EA Newgeneration urungkanlah niat Anda kalo mau selamat dari MC. Dan bagi yang sudah terlanjur membeli 400$, relakan uang Anda dan niatlah bersedekah untuk Si Pecundang Deni Setiawan.

Terima Kasih

Anonymous said...

why dont tell us how to get to the website to see about this new generation ea ourselves?

what is the website???

thanx for nothing!